💌 You need a mission in life (even if it's small)
On having a purpose, bad ideas, part time nomadism
Hi friends,
Spring is finally here in Toronto 🌸.
I spent the last few days getting 10,000 steps since it's finally warm to be outside for that long.
In another good news, 2 of my most recent YouTube videos (that aren't nursing related) have finally crossed over 500 views. I know it's nothing grand, but honestly, I've been averaging 100 views per video, and the only way to not give up is by celebrating these small wins.
Also, imagining myself talking in front of 500 people also helps because if you think about it, that's a lot of people.
Sometimes, we forget that the numbers we see online are real people.
And as I commit to my YouTube goal, I've been thinking a lot about my "niche."
If you didn’t know, this is my take on “niching”: unless you're selling something, there's no point in niching down because you don't know what you're good at or what people want from you.
So you have to keep experimenting until you get to a conclusion that you like.
So instead of boxing myself in a niche, I've been grounding myself to show up with a mission.
It's sort of like my "purpose" right now.
In the online world, I've made it my mission to document my life to help others take inspired, not massive, actions in their lives.
When someone comes across my content, I want them to feel so inspired that they will do THAT thing they've always wanted to do.
Because of this mission, I've allowed myself to post whatever I want as long as I'm excited about the topic and know it will help at least one person.
I still question myself most days, but I've been reminding myself that showing up online isn't really about me.
Instead, it's for the people I want to reach—mostly people who are stuck in their careers, lives, etc.
I’m curious, do you have any mission you’d like to work on?

Writing tip: Write until the gunk ideas come out.
Sometimes, when I haven’t written for far too long (maybe a few days), my body will feel restless, and I’ll know it’s time to have a good writing session.
But sometimes, I don’t know what to write about. All I know is that I need to write.
Either way, I force myself to sit down and write words even if they don’t make any sense. I start to write about what I did that day, my current thoughts, and what I want in the future.
And for some magical reason, once I start writing, I come up with ideas I truly want to write about.
If you thought that writers came up with good ideas all the time, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
As Julian Shapiro, a prominent writer, says, “once the bad ideas are emptied, strong ideas begin to arrive.”
Remember that the next time you feel like you only have bad ideas.
A multipassionate’s thoughts 💭
🎬 How I Became a Part-Time Digital Nomad (For Nurses). Many freelancers online swear by full-time digital nomadism. But as a multipassionate, going full-time on something isn’t really my jam.
✍🏼 You can change your life in a couple of years. A short and sweet motivation for you if you’re feeling stuck in life.

If you need help in your writing journey, there are 2 ways I can help you:
Learn how to show up, create and make money in your own way with this digital workbook.
A 1:1 consultation call if you're a beginner creator who's struggling to create content online. Book here.
P.S. Thank you to those who replied to last week’s newsletter. I appreciate it.
Until next time ☕️,