Why subscribe?
I write stories about how I experiment with this thing called life as a millennial as well as a multipassionate creator.
If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s following my heart. I like exploring. I like experimenting with new things. And I want to share my journey around that fact.
In today’s world where everything is pretty much influenced by social media, we become more confused about life. I want to let you know that you are not alone. You are not alone about the fact that:
you don’t love your job but don’t know what is it that you want to do
you keep jumping from one thing to another but never fully feel like you’re satisfied or ever going to be satisfied
you keep asking yourself if this is what life is all about
you keep thinking about whether you should pursue a higher degree of education, change your careers but don’t really end up taking any action
you devour yourself on social media, and the only way to stop scrolling is when you end up feeling bad and anxious from comparing yourself to others
you have some idea about what you want to do but too scared or too afraid to admit it in case of “failures”
I can say all of these things because these are my everyday struggles. But slowly, I’m learning how to truly live life despite not having life figured out. I want to share with you that it’s okay to:
stay at a job that you don’t love and focus your energy on things that matter to you
slow down even if it’s hard so that you can figure things out
wonder and explore what life is all about until you’re satisfied with the answer
not follow the traditional path of pursuing a higher degree to go for what you like
take a break from social media even if you feel like you might miss out (even though tbh, you’re not)
jump on that project that you’ve always wanted to do but have no idea if it will work
Through a mix of sharing my personal experiences with sprinkles of personal tips & advice, I hope to help you find your inner peace despite being so lost in life.
I hope that you join me cause I feel you. I really do.
If you know someone that can benefit from this, don’t hesitate to share this newsletter. I am hoping to build a community around this topic.
A little bit about me: I work as an Emergency nurse. I grew up in the Philippines and the Dominican Republic. I speak three languages. I love everything about Latin culture. I hope to become an entrepreneur one day, who makes a positive impact. But that’s a long way to go. Right now, I’m learning how to share a message that resonates with people. Hence, I’ve started blogging.